For the love of food, land, and community.

Thimbleberry Farm is a small-scale, no-till regenerative farm producing vegetables, eggs, carrying forward essential skills and knowledge that support local food security.

Quality and ethics are our guiding principles. We aim to grow the best quality products for our fellow community members in ways that promote soil health and limit negative environmental impacts.

Our practices include:

  • Eliminating tillage to promote soil biodiversity, limit soil erosion and decarbonization, and reduce water usage.

  • Using cover crops, animals, compost and mulch to limit dependence on off-farm sources of fertility.

  • Providing pasture to our animals as a means of providing them with an enjoyable life, as well as a way of producing nutritious meat with incomparable flavour.


We take pride in our farming practices and are happy to share what we do with our community. If you are interested in visiting the farm, please contact us.

Photo: Heather Brittany Photography